Monterray Waterway C24 Canal

Port St. Lucie, FL

Bowman provided emergency design services to retrofit critical storm structures following Hurricane Katrina and worked closely with the City of Port St. Lucie to provide assistance in expediting a solution to a destroyed water retention berm. The City wanted to ensure the solution was time stable, aesthetically pleasing, and functioned as required flood protection due to numerous homes located along the waterway. Utilizing the partnership to “think outside of the box” in the approach of the reconstruction, ideas such as the box culverts, spillways, weir wall with cascading spillway, and retrofit structure were established. The unique approach would combine control structures to connect to the existing outfall and three J-Boxes used to provide multi-level weir to minimize clogging. The final design provided structural stability through an enhanced foundation with stay-in-place deep sheet piling, structural armoring by providing a poured Class I concrete bedding and placed limestone riprap, and auxiliary discharge capacity by providing a supplemental Type K structure with reinforced base and supplemental armoring (Class I concrete and riprap). This project exemplifies our experience with the design of a stormwater system in an older community that addressed the new water quality treatment regulations and provided flood protection within the constraints of existing topography, utilities and structures.