Crystal Drive Streetscape Improvements

Arlington, VA

As part of several distinct projects along the Crystal Drive corridor, Bowman prepared designs for the construction of streetscape improvements including multi-modal transit accommodations with protected bicycle lanes, urban landscaping, green stormwater infrastructure, street lights and infrastructure improvements.

As the primary civil design consultant, Bowman was uniquely positioned to ensure consistency and uniformity among the projects. It was imperative that while the projects were individually executed, the final constructed product appeared uniformly planned and designed. Streetscape improvements included landscaping, street furniture, streetlighting, wayfinding, and special hardscaping. Infrastructure improvements included extensive upgrades to both public and private utilities including water main realignment, DEV transmission duct bank extensions, telecommunications duct bank extensions, and Washington Gas transmission line extensions. Furthermore, VRE and Metro connections as well as bus stops were designed in an effort to promote mass transit services in an ADA-compliant manner.

Bowman integrated curbside urban bioretention facilities into the urban landscaping, providing a sustainable approach to treating stormwater runoff from the public space. Special care was made to ensure the survival of existing street trees through the development of a tree inventory and associated preservation plan. Where that was proven impossible, Bowman worked with the design team to incorporate appropriate tree species and ensure sufficient soil volumes were provided ensuring their health.

The projects have been transformative to the neighborhood. All this was only possible through Bowman’s constant engagement with key stakeholders including the client, county officials and staff, National Landing BID, VRE and WMATA.