Greatrock Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant

Adams County, CO

The Greatrock North Water and Sanitation District retained our team to address its aging and failing reverse osmosis water treatment plant. The existing plant designed and built by the original developer had a capacity of 100 gpm and could not keep up with the desired capacity or the district’s water quality targets. The district’s raw water portfolio includes eight (8) wells in three (3) aquifers, all needing to be controlled, treated, and managed by a new water treatment facility with a capacity of at least 250 gpm with full redundancy and room for expansion.

We were retained by the district to provide design, permitting, bidding, and construction management services for the new facility. The design included two (2) 250 gpm reverse osmosis skids and room for expansion of a third 250 gpm skid. Element designed a new office, laboratory, equipment and operations room, electric room and a new concentrate main to handle the increased concentrate flows. The district is now meeting all water quality targets at the desired capacity.