Bronx Museum of the Arts

Bronx, NY

The Bronx Museum of the Arts is an internationally recognized American cultural institution that has played a vital role in its surrounding community since its founding in 1971. Located in the Bronx, one of five boroughs in New York City with a culture unique to itself, the institution continually strives towards its mission of making art accessible to all.

In early 2016, the Bronx Museum of the Arts announced plans to overhaul areas of its Grand Concourse facility to allow for more space and new exhibitions. National Design Award Winner and founder of MPdL Studio, Monica Ponce de Leon, was selected to lead the $25 million redesign. MPdL knew that any great project should begin with highly accurate and detailed as-built plans, so they called us.

Our 3D laser scanning team quickly mobilized and developed a plan to capture all of the field data pertinent to the redesign which included key areas of the building concourse, as well as, the entire exterior of the structure.

The field scanning process was seamlessly executed within one day and went virtually unnoticed by museum patrons who went to observe the 20th and 21st century art collections.

Once the point cloud was developed, the drafting team went to work creating drawings that were to MPdL Studio’s specifications. The process from laser scanning to the resulting as-built AutoCAD documentation was completed within a two-week time frame and served as the basis from which the Bronx Museum of Art’s redesign was built upon.