Bowman announced that it has been awarded a project for 1.71 miles of sidewalk implementation and drainage infrastructure on the south side of West Terry Street in the City of Bonita Springs through its McMahon subsidiary. Bowman acquired McMahon Associates in May 2022 which now does business as McMahon, a Bowman Company.
McMahon will be responsible for the design and permitting of sidewalks, crosswalks, ADA curb ramps and drainage management that will tie to stormwater management on the north side of West Terry Street. The south side of West Terry Street currently does not have pedestrian accommodations. Given the limited available space in the mostly residential location, McMahon will focus on developing designs that will lessen the impact to residents as much as possible, while still providing safe and effective facilities.
McMahon has been working consistently with the City of Bonita Springs since 2008 with projects that include citywide annual data collection, master bike/pedestrian plans (which will be updated in 2023), transportation site evaluations for the Imperial Parkway, Shangri-la Road, Old US 41, Bonita Beach Road and Logan Blvd. McMahon has also performed site development reviews for complete streets, site access, land development, right-of-way and property acquisitions.
“We are proud to give a safe place to walk and bicycle to the users of these new facilities on West Terry Street,” said William Grieve, PE, McMahon project manager. “By replacing the current swale with new stormwater management, it will allow for better drainage away from properties and into the existing system on the north side of West Terry Street.”