Environmental Consulting

Bowman’s environmental consultants are committed to protecting our planet while helping meet your business objectives. We specialize in environmental planning, natural resource management, archaeological surveys, landfill investigations and more, providing tailored solutions to address the specific needs and challenges of your project. Our focus on environmental impact ensures that every plan we develop offers comprehensive solutions to issues such as water quality management, habitat protection, pest control issues and meeting regulatory obligations.

Our team of dedicated specialists have a deep understanding of environmental sciences and regulatory frameworks. We work closely with clients to assess environmental risks, develop sustainable strategies and implement effective solutions.  Whether you’re navigating complex permitting processes, conducting ecological surveys or seeking innovative approaches to habitat and water management, our consultants are here to guide you every step of the way.



By partnering with Bowman, you can feel confident that your project will not only meet environmental standards but also contribute positively to our planet’s health and biodiversity.

Natural Resources Surveys & Assessments

  • Wetland & Waters of the U.S. Delineations
  • Natural Resources Inventories
  • Wildlife & Vegetation Surveys
  • Threatened & Endangered Species Surveys
  • Wildlife Management Plans
  • Habitat Assessments
  • Forest Stand Delineations
  • Water Quality Assessment
  • Soils, Geological & Geomorphological Assessment
  • Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas Studies
  • Soil Gas Sampling & Soil Vapor Intrusion Assessments

Environmental Planning Management

  • Natural Resources Management Plans
  • Endangered Species Conservation & Management
  • Land & Wildlife Management Plans
  • Forest Conservation Plans
  • Wetland Creation & Enhancement Design
  • Stream Restoration and Enhancement Design
  • Native Vegetation Restoration
  • Conservation Easement Baseline Reports & Inspections
  • Flood Channel Improvement Planning
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plans
  • Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessment
  • Ornithological Surveys
  • Pest Control Advisor (PCA) Recommendations
  • Irrigation efficiency & suitability analysis

Environmental Compliance

  • USACE Section 404/401 and Section 10
  • Wetland & Stream Mitigation Monitoring
  • NEPA Documentation
  • Cumulative Effect Assessment
  • NPDES Permitting
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
  • SB-88
  • Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS)
  • Irrigated Land Regulatory Program (ILRP)
  • Hazardous Waste Management
  • USFWS Section 7 and Section 10
  • NHPA Section 106
  • NRCS Prime Farmland
  • Local Jurisdiction Permitting
Windmill aerial view of city

In the News:

Wings Battle Blades

Project Highlights