JRs Multi-Family

Tysons, VA

JRs has proposed a high-rise multi-family residential mixed-use building up to 325,300 sq. ft. in size, including 264 dwelling units and 5,300 sq. ft. of ground floor non-residential uses. Our team will pay careful attention to the activation of the Watson Street frontage by encouraging public pedestrian access across the site while fitting into the context of adjacent, existing and planned land uses.

Pedestrian access from International Drive extends across the publicly-accessible plaza at grade-level and connects up to a second publicly-accessible plaza on top of the one-story parking podium. A large green, open space area extends along the western boundary to accommodate fire lane access and serve as a dog walk or passive recreation area. The lower, 11-story wing in the southeast corner of the site has been sited along Watson Street with a step-back at the 4th floor to establish a building base suitable for an urban street front with human-scale proportion. The lower Watson Street wing connects to a 23-story tower oriented along the western property line with a circular corner feature that extends from the sidewalk to the full height of the tower.

The multifamily building will include significant amenities, modern, urban design elements and public open spaces. Redevelopment of the Subject Property in accordance with the Tysons Plan should kick-start the transformation of this older Watson/Fletcher Street suburban commercial area into the urban mixed-use neighborhood envisioned in the heart of Tysons.