Peck Solar, Wetland Restoration and Permitting

MIddlebury, VT

Our team designed and implemented wetland restoration for approximately 8,000 sq. ft. of wetland as part of a State of Vermont permitting agreement for the Peck Solar project in Middlebury, VT.

Wetland restoration plans included the removal of an old farm access road that spanned a small stream and large wetland complex as well as the removal of an old farm pond. Restoration work included removing the old road fill and re-grading the road to the surrounding wetland and stream elevation as well as removal of an existing 15” culvert in order to restore the natural hydrology to the area. Following road removal, the area was reseeded and mulched with a native Vermont wetland seed mix. The berm around an old farm pond (built in a wetland/stream channel) was slowly removed and the natural grade was restored as was the hydrologic flow pattern.

The breach in the pond was conducted using the slow release method (lowering the water in small quantities over time until the pond was fully drained. In addition to the wetland restoration design and permitting, we provided Act 248 testimony related to water pollution, outstanding resource waters, headwaters, streams, shorelines, wetlands, rare and irreplaceable natural areas, wildlife habitat, and rare, threatened and endangered species.