North Station to Seaport Bus Link

Boston, MA

The overarching goal of the North Station to Seaport Bus Link project is to improve transit connectivity across the Downtown core of the City of Boston to meet current and future transit demands. Multimodal connections for pedestrians and bicyclists will also be identified for actionable improvements. A high-quality bus transit service connection will be developed, connecting North Station and South Station and beyond, enabling bus transit priority, speed, reliability and connections in downtown.

Various alternative routings will be identified and evaluated, in coordination with MBTA-MassDOT Bus Network Re-Design Project, by the project team, in close collaboration with various City of Boston departments, MBTA, MassDOT, various key stakeholders and advocates, as well as the community at large. A concept plan will be developed for the preferred alternative.

As a subconsultant, our firm is leading transit network planning and transportation analysis, and supporting the project during community and stakeholder engagement and concept design development.