Aquetong Spring Park Project

Solebury Township, PA

This project included a 10 ft wide bituminous asphalt shared-use path beginning at a proposed parking lot adjacent to the reconfigured Judy House driveway access along Lower Mountain Road. The path extends north along Lower Mountain Road before turning to generally follow Lower York Road (SR 0202) eastbound. The eastern limit of the path is located approximately 1650 ft east of the intersection of Lower York Road (SR 0202) and Lower Mountain Road at an existing gravel driveway. The total length of the path is approximately 1900 LF.

The path is located fully within the park with a steeply graded buffer between the roadways and path. A parking area on the north side of the path was constructed between the Judy House driveway access and the beginning of the path. A park maintenance access is within the path limits and was incorporated into the design. The path has two stream crossings of unnamed tributaries to Aquetong Creek adjacent to Lower York Road (SR 0202). Pipe culverts convey the water underneath the path. Post-construction stormwater management facilities were also installed on the park property as part of the project.