Del Norte Collection System Improvements

Rio Grande County, CO

The Town of Del Norte’s collection system had significant structural issues including collapsed clay pipes, cracks, and offset joints. This caused significant inflow and infiltration (groundwater/runoff) into the collection system, sometimes as much as doubling or tripling the normal influent wastewater flow to the wastewater treatment plant. This significantly affected the treatment facility’s ability to function and successfully treat wastewater, which resulted in CDPHE requiring the town to take action to correct inflow and infiltration.

Our team was retained by the town to assess, plan, fund, design, bid and provide construction administration for a system-wide collection system improvement project. The project consisted of 13,000 LF of sanitary sewer rehabilitation including cured-in-place pipe, point repairs, 47,000 LF of sanitary sewer main replacement, 216 manhole replacements and installing a new lift station and force main.