Fiddler’s Creek Residential Community

Naples, FL

This 6,000 unit residential/golf course community encompasses 3,932 acres located in southern Collier County. Bowman has provided extensive engineering and surveying services and participated in the planning and environmental permitting of this project.

The Fiddler’s Creek property is part of a unique and comprehensive settlement between the previous owner and many state and local regulatory agencies. Under this agreement, permission was given to develop this property in exchange for giving up development rights to sensitive environmental lands near Marco Island. Although the agreement contained vested development rights for the property, final approval by governmental agencies was required prior to the project’s development.

Extensive coordination was required with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Consequently, a carefully developed wildlife habitat and management plan was designed, approved and incorporated into the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit. The wildlife habitat area consists of nearly 200 acres at the south end of the project. It was set aside as a habitat for wading birds and a bald eagle nesting site. A major feature of the wildlife preserve is a three-mile meandering man-made creek with a long shallow wading bird area. The preserve was incorporated into the project as a combined recreational amenity, stormwater outfall and wetland enhancement area.

Bowman also serves as the district engineer for the community development districts which have been created for this project. Responsibilities have included establishing the district’s construction bonds and the design, permitting, inspection and review of the district infrastructure. Additional permits have been required from the State (FDOT, SFWMD, FDEP and NPDES) and county jurisdiction.