Missouri Platte River Flooding

Posted on May 3rd, 2024 by Renee Narvaez

Our team performed all imagery acquisition and processing as well as most of the LiDAR acquisition (approximately 3,100 square miles) for this project. In order to enable capture of peak flood conditions, typical orthoimagery acquisition specifications for no clouds or haze, etc. were not required for this project.

Puerto Rico Disaster Response Aerial Imagery

Posted on April 19th, 2024 by Jillian Taylor

One of the most efficient ways to assess damage across large expanses is to acquire aerial imagery from manned, fixed-wing aircraft. About a week and a half after Hurricane Fiona hit, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) sent a task order for imagery over the entire island to our team, and we proceeded to design and execute the imagery acquisition efforts.

Minnesota Hydro Mapping

Posted on April 19th, 2024 by Jillian Taylor

In 2022, the US Geological Survey (USGS) required lidar data and derivative products over a 1,500-square-mile area in central Minnesota. Through its Geospatial Products and Services Contract (GPSC4) our team was awarded a task order to provide QL1 lidar and hydro-flattening breaklines over this area, and the challenge was clear.

Jefferson City Tornado Disaster Mapping

Posted on April 19th, 2024 by Renee Narvaez

On May 22, 2019, an EF-3 tornado hit Jefferson City, MO. Within a few hours, several geospatial entities within the state established a data acquisition plan. Because of the emergency nature of this project, it was essential to provide data as quickly as possible to assist first responders in relief and recovery activities.

City of Albuquerque International District Library

Posted on March 27th, 2024 by Renee Narvaez

Our team was extensively involved in the planning and design for a proposed City of Albuquerque library. The project site encompasses two city blocks of property divided by a public city street. The property was previously developed with a night club and pawn shop which have since been demolished to make way for the new construction.

Las Cruces I-25 Study Corridor

Posted on March 27th, 2024 by Renee Narvaez

Our role included subsurface utility engineering quality levels B, C and D along approximately seven miles of I-25 right-of-way from the Dona Ana Interchange south to Lohman Avenue, with an additional seven miles of densely populated utility corridors beneath several arterial roadways and interchanges.

New Mexico Behavioral Health Institute (NMBHI)

Posted on March 27th, 2024 by Renee Narvaez

Our team provided subsurface utility engineering, professional surveying, civil engineering and UAV services to support the planning, design and construction of a new fully redundant optical fiber campus technology loop for the roughly 100 acre developed portion of the state’s campus in Las Vegas, NM.

Sterling Southeast

Posted on March 26th, 2024 by Renee Narvaez

This 4-span 265’-0” pre-stressed concrete inverted tee girder bridge was constructed over the North Fork Big Nemaha River. Our team performed topographic survey, hydraulic survey, roadway design, bridge design, construction inspection and administration.

Seward South

Posted on March 26th, 2024 by Renee Narvaez

This 5 span, 180’-0” long bridge replacement project included a bridge over the Blue River on the south edge of Seward, Nebraska. This cast in-place concrete slab bridge was designed to handle the frequent flooding of the Blue River.

Road P32

Posted on March 26th, 2024 by Renee Narvaez

Just 4 miles south of the proposed Blair South Bypass, our team designed two miles of grading, culverts, 9″ doweled concrete pavement and erosion control. This county funded project was built under the NDOT standard specifications.