Spencer Meadow Solar and Lowe Country Solar

Posted on March 31st, 2023 by Renee Narvaez

Spencer Meadow Solar and Lowe Country Solar (Spencer & Lowe) are a pair of twin projects near Asheboro, NC. Our team provided the electrical and structural engineering, a comprehensive plan set and construction support.

Edenton Solar

Posted on March 30th, 2023 by Renee Narvaez

This project was located on the coast in harsh and wet environmental conditions near the North Carolina Albermarle Sound. Our team provided the full electrical design (PV system, auxiliary power, medium voltage design) and the structural design (inverter group structures, equipment pads).

School District Solar Deployments

Posted on March 29th, 2023 by Renee Narvaez

Our team worked with a local utility company, Delta Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) to design 10 kW grid connected PV systems for several local schools. In addition to providing modest energy offset, these solar electric systems serve as educational and demonstration systems at five high schools located in Delta and Montrose counties.

Bedford Solar

Posted on March 29th, 2023 by Renee Narvaez

Our engineering team worked closely with the racking manufacturer and civil engineer to optimize the site for installation and system performance. The layout takes advantage of the slight southern facing slope of the parcel, while varied east to west spacing and backtracking reduces inter-row shading on the rolling terrain.

Bingham and Temperance Solar

Posted on March 17th, 2023 by Renee Narvaez

Temperance Solar and Bingham Solar are two projects located in Michigan and are 29.7 MWDC and 29.3 MWDC in size, respectively. Our team, in partnership with J-Ranck Electric, provided civil, structural and electrical engineering, and assisted with commissioning. The substations for each project were prepared in-house under the supervision of our medium/high voltage engineer.

Seawall Stabilization

Posted on March 15th, 2023 by Jillian Taylor

Our team was hired to perform a combined multi-beam side scanning sonar and LiDAR investigation to produce 3-D digital model of the vertical surface of the Troy seawall above and below the water surface. This continuous model produced a high resolution “picture” of the wall.

Mohawk River Locks E8 to E7

Posted on March 15th, 2023 by Jillian Taylor

Bowman provided dual mapping data as part of the flood warning and optimization system in addition to maintenance and inspection contracts statewide. The team was contracted to provide bank-to-bank bathymetric mapping and simultaneous LiDAR data collection of the Mohawk River between Locks E8 and E7 to support flood modeling activities.

Locks CS-1

Posted on March 15th, 2023 by Renee Narvaez

Our team performed a multi-disciplinary mapping and sediment characterization study for Bergmann Associates. The project located at lock C/S-1 at the northern end of Cayuga Lake entailed performing multi-beam echosounding, single beam echosounding, aerial UAV topographic mapping, GPS survey, utility location and sediment sampling.

Living Breakwaters

Posted on March 15th, 2023 by Jillian Taylor

Partnered with Weeks Marine, our team provided multiple roles and services for this project. We acted as the geologist of record and provides construction material inspection and oversite services at the breakwater materials extraction source (Carver Johnstown Quarry).

Erie Canal Channel Multibeam Bathymetric Survey

Posted on March 15th, 2023 by Jillian Taylor

Our team provided multibeam bathymetric scanning services to collect high density survey data below the water line on the Erie Canal in support of the Canal Corporation’s Navigation Information Program. Data was used to determine the nature of obstructions and detailed 3D images/maps of dredged areas.