Arbor Terrace

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Arbor Terrace provides 82 residential units for assisted living within a new three-story building and includes the construction of new internal paved access drives and parking areas throughout the site. Bowman provided civil engineering, surveying, permitting, and construction administration services.

Andrews Air Force Base Family Housing

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Bowman prepared demolition plans for areas proposed for redevelopment of residential units and future commercial and office uses. Scope included preliminary engineering design, layout and grading of roadways and housing units, utility design, stormwater management, topographic and improvement surveys, and an ALTA/ACSM land title survey. Technical review and quality control of final engineering documents were also provided.

Arlington Public Schools On-Call

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Bowman was contracted to provide civil engineering services to support the investigation and feasibility of expanding various existing schools in Arlington County.


Posted on June 8th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

To date, Bowman has provided more than $56M in consulting services for over 500 Walmart stores across the country. These projects typically include a new building and parking lot and Bowman is generally responsible for designing all onsite utilities, grading and erosion control, coordination with adjacent land owners, and facilitating city approvals.