Shermer Road Bridge Improvements
Bowman is responsible for Phase I, II and III engineering services to upgrade the existing Shermer Road Bridge to meet current structural, hydraulic and geometric requirements.
Bowman is responsible for Phase I, II and III engineering services to upgrade the existing Shermer Road Bridge to meet current structural, hydraulic and geometric requirements.
Bowman provides design engineering services to Peoples Gas, Light and Coke Company (PGL) for PGL’s Accelerated Main Replacement Program (AMRP). These engineering services are for gas main installation and replacement projects the design of permanent bridge supports of existing gas mains at proposed utility crossings, and maintenance of traffic plans for neighborhood projects.
Phase I and II services for replacement of existing steel beam bridge at County Road 8 and the Fraser River, originally constructed in 1979. A bridge hydraulic report and scour analysis were prepared for this project. Proposed structure is 47 feet wide with span of 46 feet Prestressed Precast Concrete (PPC) Deck Beams with a 6-inch cast-in-place concrete slab, founded on pile bent abutments.
5-acre 2,100 solar panel array located on existing Elementary School property produces 1.2 megawatts a year, offset-ting the facilities carbon footprint by 865 tons of CO2. This project is part of a Power Purchase Agreement with Sun-Tribe Solar which resulted in no investment from the County and estimated to save $3.6 million over the solar array’s lifespan. Bowman provided comprehensive engineering and surveying services.
Bowman, having previously designed the original settlers during another project, designed two new Wash Settlers with related structures, containment, equipment, storage, piping and instrumentation.
Design engineering services for sewer improvement projects located throughout Chicago. Work includes data collec-tion and initial assessments, coordination of survey and geotechnical engineering, utility coordination, sewer align-ments and profiles, structural design, compliance with IEPA water sewer separation requirements, cross sec-tions/typical sections, traffic control and detours, surface drainage design, OUC submittals and approvals, and permitting.
Bowman provided major upgrades to the Town of Broadway’s Water Treatment Plant. The upgrades included the installation of a state of the art 1.8MGD Pall Corp. MF membrane treatment system in a new concrete filtration building, upgraded and automated chemical feed systems, a 100,000-gallon well storage tank, and a 350,000-gallon finished water clear well.