Bowen Solar Farm

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Bowman provided a detailed topographic survey and preliminary engineering services to facilitate initial discussions with Calvert County officials and included a concept plan to illustrate the improvements relating to the proposed solar panels.

Canton Car Wash

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Jillian Taylor

Bowman provided surveying, land planning, and engineering services. Given the unique nature of this car wash project it required an analysis of both automobile and pedestrian circulation patterns within the site to ensure safety of users and the public. This project took a highly visible, dilapidated and under-utilized piece of industrial real estate and transformed it into an attractive “green” commercial site.


Posted on September 15th, 2020 by editor@bowman

Bowman team designed and planned a 900 plus unit residential subdivision as well as public road and utility infrastructure. The team was challenged with creating a site sensitive design while maximizing the total allowable dwelling units all while balancing community buy in with the town residence and adjacent neighbors.

Andrews Air Force Base Family Housing

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Bowman prepared demolition plans for areas proposed for redevelopment of residential units and future commercial and office uses. Scope included preliminary engineering design, layout and grading of roadways and housing units, utility design, stormwater management, topographic and improvement surveys, and an ALTA/ACSM land title survey. Technical review and quality control of final engineering documents were also provided.

Amazon Building (Project Rook)

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Suede

Bowman provided various professional services for this 346,400 sq. ft. warehouse and was responsible for the planning and design of stormwater management, storm drain layouts, water and sanitary sew-er alignments, erosion and sediment control staging, permitting, as well as retrofit design for storm-water pond conversion.


Posted on June 8th, 2020 by Suede

To date, Bowman has provided more than $56M in consulting services for over 500 Walmart stores across the country. These projects typically include a new building and parking lot and Bowman is generally responsible for designing all onsite utilities, grading and erosion control, coordination with adjacent land owners, and facilitating city approvals.