Island Resort


An extensive remodel on an island resort comprised of 15 acres, 11 levels, 150’ of grade change, and hundreds of chickens, is not for the faint of heart. This iconic resort in the Hawaiian Islands was long overdue for a renovation and there was only one way to start such a project. An extensive 3D scan and existing conditions Revit model was provided by our team.

After extensive review and collaboration with the developer and architect, an initial scope package was prepared with focus on the highest value components. This included scanning of all public areas, select back of house areas and approximately half of the 205 guest rooms.

A two-laser crew was mobilized, and the full property exterior scanned using GPS survey control. The majority of the interiors were scanned, working diligently around the 24/7 resort operations and an occupancy of over 80%. After the field laser scanning was completed, the Revit modeling began with a customized fast track, delivering the highest value components first.

As a value add, our FAA licensed drone operators flew multiple drone missions to collect photos, video, and to develop a full-site high-resolution orthographic image.

Upon completion of the in-field scanning and aerial imaging, all data was processed expeditiously. Drone data was made available immediately, as well as our InSite 360 system. With InSite360, a diverse consultant team spanning nearly every US time zone could step into the property from any device, anytime, and anywhere.

As for the Revit model, over 300,000 sq. ft. of space was modeled with laser accuracy. Over 200 rooms were modeled and tied to 37 room type groups. Seven additional rooms originally thought to be typical were clearly identified as a-typical post survey and accurately documented.