Horry County Stormwater Assistance

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Bowman assisted the County in reviewing and updating their Stormwater Management Ordinance and Design Manual and in the development of a Monitoring and Assessment Plan, Enforcement Response Plan and pollution prevention/good housekeeping procedures.

Hutto YMCA

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Bowman provided its core services including planning, layout, surveying, design and coordination, permitting, bidding and construction observation for this 4-acre YMCA facility. In addition, Bowman was tasked with the coordination of all approvals, permitting and platting with the City of Hutto, Williamson County, and the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ).

Fox Gate

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

The proposed Fox Gate development is located on 19 acres alongside Route 50 near the Fairfax County line. The project consists of approximately 600,000 sq. ft. of mixed-use space including office, retail, civic, and residential uses.

Gas Main Installations and Bridge Support

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Bowman provides design engineering services to Peoples Gas, Light and Coke Company (PGL) for PGL’s Accelerated Main Replacement Program (AMRP). These engineering services are for gas main installation and replacement projects the design of permanent bridge supports of existing gas mains at proposed utility crossings, and maintenance of traffic plans for neighborhood projects.

Global Logistics Park

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Global Logistics Park is a master-planned distribution park located on the west side of Staten Island, New York. The park will contain nearly 4 million square feet of industrial buildings and related site infrastructure. Bowman provided survey layout services as the Surveyor-of-Record for the entire project.

Grover Road Intersection Improvements

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Bowman provided support under an active on-call multi-year agreement with the Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works. The project required final engineering and surveying for roadway widening, turn-lane construction and drainage improvements.

George Mason University Faculty and Staff Housing

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Bowman provided civil engineering and land surveying services to this multi-phased, design-build housing project that consisted of 422 total units, including 75 apartments, 105-unit townhomes, 164 urban townhomes, 58 duplex units and 20 small lot units.

Hamilton Safety Center

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Bowman provided civil engineering and surveying services for this project, which included a 17,000 sq. ft. building with 6 attached bays for fire and rescue vehicles and a 5,400 sq. ft. annex building. A site plan was developed and processed through the Town of Hamilton and included design for stormwater, sanitary sewers, water, and stormwater management.

Henderson Way Road Improvements

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Bowman provided design for the 3.8-acre site that required engineering efforts from a detailed site plan through final engineering and surveying. Additionally, the team is responsible for permitting and construction oversight once designs are completed.

Hanover Cross Roads Solar Field

Posted on September 15th, 2020 by Renee Narvaez

Bowman provided engineering services to provide over 52,000 sq. ft. of roof top solar panels and 17,000 sq. ft. of ground-mounted solar panels to a new shopping center.