South Hillsboro Annexation and Funding Strategy

Posted on July 17th, 2024 by Jillian Taylor

Our team developed the funding and annexation strategy for the 500-acre South Hillsboro community plan area. Work included a financial sustainability analysis of potential general fund impacts attributed to 8,000 dwelling units and nearly 1M sq. ft. of office and commercial buildings, three schools, regional recreational center and parks facilities.

Lower Snake River Dam Removal Cost Analysis

Posted on July 17th, 2024 by Jillian Taylor

The Pacific Northwest Waterways Association engaged our team on behalf of ports along the Columbia River and Snake River to quantify the economic impact of removing four dams along the lower Snake River. We conducted a USDOT compliant benefit cost analysis to determine the net impact dam removal would have.

Portland Water Bureau Agreement Consulting

Posted on July 17th, 2024 by Jillian Taylor

Portland’s wholesale agreement, defining the terms and conditions of service for 19 water providers, will expire in 2026. Our team started as an advisor to facilitate consensus selection of features for the new agreement and later to assist Portland with implementing those features, including preparing the draft agreement and developing a new wholesale rate model.

Greatrock Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant

Posted on July 12th, 2024 by Jillian Taylor

The Greatrock North Water and Sanitation District retained our team to address its aging and failing reverse osmosis water treatment plant. The existing plant designed and built by the original developer had a capacity of 100 gpm and could not keep up with the desired capacity or the district’s water quality targets.

Edgemont Ranch Metropolitan District Wastewater

Posted on July 12th, 2024 by Jillian Taylor

The Edgemont Ranch Metropolitan District was issued new, strict TIN, TN and TP limits that rendered their lagoon obsolete. As a remedy, the district looked to the BIOCOS technology, a hybrid activated sludge system to deliver more thorough treatment, consisting of two aeration tanks hydraulically connected to an alternating pair of sludge recycling and settling tanks.

Del Norte Collection System Improvements

Posted on July 12th, 2024 by Jillian Taylor

The Town of Del Norte’s collection system had significant structural issues including collapsed clay pipes, cracks, and offset joints. Our team was retained by the town to assess, plan, fund, design, bid and provide construction administration for a system-wide collection system improvement project.

Center Sanitation District

Posted on July 12th, 2024 by Jillian Taylor

Center Sanitation District was struggling for years with a non-compliant lagoon system. The existing facility had chronic BOD, TIN, and E. Coli violations of their groundwater discharge permit. Our team was tasked with creating a long-term financially sustainable solution for the district that didn’t break the bank.

Fine Ore Cusher – 7B Conveyor Counterweight Evaluation

Posted on July 11th, 2024 by Jillian Taylor

The existing counterweight on the 7B conveyor had a winch system with inadequate lug connections and was rigged at an improper angle, which created structural integrity issues. Bowman prepared an economic trade-off study and general arrangements for counterweight lifting methods.

Secondary (fine) Ore Cusher-7C Dribble Chute and Platform

Posted on July 11th, 2024 by Jillian Taylor

The client was looking for a safer and more efficient way to transfer ore to the main course ore bin. Bowman produced general arrangements and mechanical drawings for the project.

Primary Crusher Belt Feeder – Motor Lifting Plan

Posted on July 11th, 2024 by Jillian Taylor

Project objective was to evaluate existing capacity of ceiling beams for trolley and hoist system designed to remove and install belt feeder motors to a roof opening area. Bowman provided a load rating and lifting plan for the belt feeder motors.